Sourcing new factories around the world is no easy task. When looking at factories you must look deep and not just solely at the price that factories quote. Avant has always not only worked hard to be competitive in the market, but also serves as an example on how to take care of its people and the community that it supports. We are a proud customer with Avant for many years and hope for many more.
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Avant Garments Ltd. was established in 2012 by an American-Bangladeshi entrepreneur with a vision to introduce a state-of the art garments factory in Bangladesh. We believe that making garments is not a process of cutting and sewing but it involves lot of critical issues from the very beginning to end like selection of factory site, construction of compliant factory building, selection of modern machineries, recruitment policy for recruiting the right people, health, security and social aspect of employees, quality assurance, buyer-satisfaction, environmental issues and lot more.
We consider maintaining quality and timely shipment one of the most important factor which makes our buyers happy and confident.
Our commitments to our buyers as well as to our employees is to ensure that all compliances as per local and international laws are in order and updated.
Our facilities are fully compliant that is, the requirements of local national labor law and “Business Social compliance initiative” are compiled with we give emphasis on our human resources safety, facility, hygiene, environment and entertainment to the highest level of satisfaction. We take our wider social responsibilities seriously and implemented following facilities already.
On the March 20th the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) of Asia Pacific and Group General Manager o...
On the March 20th the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) of Asia Pacific and Group General Manager o...
On the March 20th the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) of Asia Pacific and Group General Manager o...